Collaborate With Our Pinterest Board

Thank you for your interest in our Pinterest board, #FitFam | Fitness Motivation & Inspiration.

The topic of this Pinterest board is Fitness Motivation & Fitness Inspiration.

There are just a few guidelines for pinning to this board.

  1. Pin your OWN content only & keep it PG-13!
  2. Pin no more than 5 pins per day.
  3. For every pin you post, share one of our other pins to one of your boards.
  4. No SPAM / Click-bait / Affiliate link pins.
  5. Do not add other members.

Remember, the topic of this board is Fitness Motivation & Inspiration!

Ready to pin here?

  1. Follow Fitness Hashtags App on Pinterest.
  2. Comment on one of our boards and tag us @FitnessHashtagsApp with the board you would like to contribute to (#FitFam | Fitness Motivation & Inspiration).
  3. If your content meets our guidelines, we will invite you!
  4. Our boards are moderated. Any guideline-breaking pins and/or pinners WILL be deleted.

Thank you for your interest, and happy pinning!!